The Strategic Life Podcast

TJ Colaiezzi – A Founder’s Story, Brand Reputation, Minimum Viable Product, StartUp Funding, Family First
Thomas “TJ” Colaiezzi is the founder of LifeBrand, a brand reputation and risk management technology that helps businesses and personal brands clean up their social media and delete anything that can potentially harm them in the future. TJ’s story is an inspiring example of how to overcome challenges - how he went from literally having to sell stuff to make ends meet to raising millions of dollars of investments. You’ll also hear how he managed to successfully scale LifeBrand while maintaining a great focus on culture and vision. But the most important thing I took away from this episode is that it doesn’t matter how much money you make, at the end of the day, it’s all about having a business that you can be proud of, that you feel good about, and that makes you happy. Let’s dive in!

TJ Colaiezzi

In this episode, you will learn:

• Why it’s important to maintain a meaningful social presence
• How to build a Minimum Viable Product business
• The value of pre-framing your clients
• The LifeBrand Success Story – from its humble beginnings to being backed by Kevin O’ Leary.
• Why family should always come first before business.
• The benefits of having a flexible work policy
• Raising money and finding investors for your start-up
• The power of one more

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